- CDFA’s official notice of Proclamation of an Emergency Program regarding the Asian Citrus Psyllid for Unincorporated Tulare County (PDF) – Nov. 22, 2013
- The 3rd International Research Conference on HLB was held February 4-7, 2013 in Orlando, FL. The agenda outlines the presentations from the conference. The proceedings are a summary of those sessions.
- CDFA Pest Exclusion Advisory Notice for the Movement of Bulk Citrus (PDF)
- Instructions for Growers and Grove Managers (PDF)
- Compliance Agreement (PDF)
- Exhibit T (PDF)
- Approved ACP Pre-Harvest Treatments for Citrus (PDF)
- Treatment Verification Form (PDF)
- For more information refer to the CDFA website at http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/acp/index.html
- ACP Quarantine Area Expanded – January 4, 2011 – CDFA News Release (Dec 31, 2010) – Ventura County, Southern Santa Barbara County and Western Riverside County added to area under quarantine – map attached
- ACP Quarantine areas – CDFA-November 18, 2009 – information and maps outlining the ACP quarantine areas.
- ACP Industry Alert – Clarification CCQC, CRB, CCM, Sunkist – March 6, 2009
This is a follow up to our industry alert regarding the movement of fruit throughout California. - ACP Industry Alert – February 25, 2009
In a joint effort, CCQC, CRB, CCM and Sunkist sent out the attached alert regarding the potential spread of ACP. Preventing the spread of ACP and the introduction of HLB in California is the industry’s highest priority.
- Citrus Research Board: www.californiacitrusthreat.org
- CDFA: www.cdfa.ca.gov/phpps/acp/
- USDA: www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/citrus_greening/index.shtml
- San Diego County: www.sdcounty.ca.gov/awm/acp.html
- Florida Department of Plant Industry Citrus Health Response program: www.doacs.state.fl.us/pi/chrp/greening/citrusgreening.html
In Spanish
- Youtube Video: Senisica (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria) describing the ACP and HLB situation in Mexico (visit…)